Location: London
Services: Design, Project & Cost Management, Contract Administration & CDMC
Value: £695,000
Completion: 2013
This temporary exhibition charted the progression of styles and subjects of Chinese paintings over a 1,200 year period. It included figure paintings for religious purposes, landscapes accompanied by poems and the introduction of western influences.
Exploring over 70 of the finest examples of Chinese painting, the show contained some pieces which have never been exhibited in the UK before, from small-scale intimate works by monks and literati, through to a 14 metre long scroll painting. The use of courtyard spaces, vistas through walls and thresholds helped visitors get close to objects.
Fraser Randall were appointed at the concept design stage and undertook the design, project and cost management, contract administration and CDCM services until project completion. We worked closely with the designers and client team to address the project needs from a content, design, build and conservation point of view.
Images: Victoria & Albert Museum