Fraser Randall


Wellcome Collection Wellcome Trust

Location: London
Services: Project & Cost Management
Value: £302,000
Completion: 2010

Following a comprehensive refurbishment of the Wellcome Collection in 2007, The Wellcome Trust decided to add to the structure of the café and reception area in 2010 and commissioned a light installation. Fraser Randall were appointed as the Project and Cost Manager.

Working to a comprehensive brief, the design had to deliver both an artistic product and a practical, energy efficient and flexible system. Works were completed in a seven week programme. The finished works included the remodelling of the majority of the reception ceiling, incorporating a lighting feature of 216 LED lamps suspended at various heights within a pattern, finished with ‘lamp shades’ of treated industrial laboratory glassware which form a link to the original work of Sir Henry Wellcome.

The lighting installation provides the Wellcome Collection with a flexible feature to alter the mood of the space dependent on the type of event taking place, whilst offering a striking feature in its own right.